Proudly Developing & Supporting Stardom - Dance Competitions Ag Profit Pty. Ltd.
Welcome to TrendLogic

Our expert team will deliver the right solutions to facilitate business transformation


powerful, creative, fast & responsive
We aim to please – build the perfect online experience & business innovation
From WordPress to Bootstrap, our web design experts can plan, design, build, install, test and deploy the perfect responsive website.

We place a strong focus on user-interface design - it simply has to look good and be intuitive to use.

Our websites are built for purpose and we provide a full support management service so that they are maintained and visible at all times.
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Web App Development
smart clean code for fantastic results
Our developers use the latest technologies & mature methodologies to deliver high-value solutions.
From simple to complex, transactional to reporting - our team can develop application solutions which are based on the key performance fundamentals of:
  • Speed
  • Robust
  • Security
  • User Intuitive
  • Future extensibility
  • Cost effectiveness
Our applications can integrate with third-party applications via web APIs to enable efficient functional optimisation.

Our developers utilise best practice agile processes & methodologies: Microsoft Technologies (Entity framework, C#) MVC, APIs, Agile, Single Page application, HTML5, Angular, JS Bootstrap.

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Mobile Apps
iOS (Apple) & Android
Realise the potential with great app integration - Web services & custom APIs
The mobile web platform offers amazing potential. It has forced us to change how we design and engage with website interfaces.

We design mobile apps so the pages are light for quick download - both as either responsive websites or standalone mobile websites.

Whether it is a native or cross-platform app - we develop mobile solutions to bring new opportunities to life.
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Cloud Hosting
keep data secure & accessible at all times
Have peace of mind knowing that your data is safe, backed up & managed by experts.
Cloud hosting allows clients to have their important data accessible anytime, anywhere and by multiple users all at the same time.

No more dealing with IT issues when managing internal servers - cloud hosting allows you to scale up and down as required without having to make additional capital purchases.

Supported with SSL Security & encryption, plus backup options means that you can have peace of mind knowing your data remains safely in your virtual possession.
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Software Application Integration

Qucik Books

Directly integrate with various accounting package to enable efficient exchange of data.

From inventory management, budget actual variance analysis & CRM—make your cashbook data work to suit how you run your business.


Quality Control Management


Manage industrial quality control processes to increase productivity & reduce wastage.

Monitoring real-time performance variables and facilitating corrective actions can provide quality assurance verification for export status.

Pharmacy Retail

Script & Member Services App


The capacity to interact more effectively with customer membership can enhance loyalty via app benefits in communications & service.

Email script photos & easy payment via mobile app combined with web member database app.

Event Management

Eisteddfods & Dance Festival Competitions

Dance Group

Business Analytics

Farm Business Management

Business Management
Ag Profit


Customer Management Apps

Customer Management Applications

Solutions which efficiently manage key busi-ness variables & outcomes reduce operational costs & risk whilst increasing productivity.

Be in more control of customer service delivery with management analysis & reporting tools.


Trend Logic delivers projects – on time – on budget – to the highest standards

Achieving market success is challenging – it helps if you can be better than your competitors in:

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At Trend Logic we like to apply a solution process which we believe will give the best chance to deliver project success:
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We always keep focused on the things that matter:

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...used Stardom online entry system for the past two years. Stardom has met all our expectations and more with the Trend Logic team behind the scenes always ready to assist if any issues arose.

Customer Heather Shaw
Brisbane Eisteddfod
Brisbane, Queensland

Trend Logic has done some really smart things with their Ag Profit application – we can now discus things with our farming clients we have always wanted to do with our clients data but not been able to do.

Customer Linda Crawford
Eldridge Crawford
Wagga Wagga, NSW

Trend Logic is helping us run our business with more management control. Their application integrates well with our existing accounting system

Customer Jayne Senior
Genetics Australia
Bacchus Marsh, Victoria